A Reliable, Broad Spectrum Plumbing Company Servicing ACT & Canberra.
13 Mar 2025
Having trouble with your drains? At Silva Plumbing Service we understand just how distressing having a blocked drain can be. A fully functioning drain is usually taken for granted and not even given a second thought, until the problems begin. Blocked drains can affect any type of property, from the smallest home to the largest business, and can eventually prove detrimental when problems such as flooding arise.
Often forgotten in the midst of our busy day to day lives, drains that aren’t regularly tended to can suffer. Silt and rock deposits can form in them over time which are extremely difficult to remove. Dust, rock and sand can all be washed into drains from roofs and concrete, congealing to create a solid mass that rainwater alone can’t shift. As the mass grows, a blockage is then formed in the drain, creating a whole host of issues including the potential for flooding.
Storm water drains are usually more affected by silt deposits than sewerage drains, because they aren’t flushed as much or as heavily. Not only that, the problem can keep coming back if the drain isn’t regularly monitored. The use of an electric eel may enable the drain to work again for a short while, but often won’t effectively remove large sand or rock deposits, so the problem is never fully flushed away.
However, Silva Plumbing Service has the solution. We specialise in silt and rock removal in Canberra, Queanbeyan and the surrounding areas, and our experts are able to eliminate any blockage in your drains. Our hydro blaster and jet blaster are an advantage over electric eels, as they can completely flush and push silt, rocks and anything else that may be causing a blockage down the drain and out. This is achieved through the use of the non-rotating head and the strong force of the forward facing water spray on the hydro blaster’ nozzles.
Silva Plumbing Service has not one, but three different types of hydro blaster of varying power bands, capable of breaking down any size blockage. Whether the drain on your home needs unblocking, or your large commercial property is experiencing drain difficulties, you can rest assured your drain will be unblocked. Don’t wait for the problem to get worse. If you’re looking for a plumber in Canberra, you won’t find anyone better equipped to unblock your drain than Silva Plumbing Service.
Our address is 1st Floor Savings House, 4/8 Petrie Plaza, Canberra ACT 2601
by appointment only